It’s Monday morning. You’ve carved out four hours in your day to work on your business. It’s finally quiet. You can hear a pin drop. You’ve got your mug of coffee, a charged laptop, and a list of endless tasks and goals. You are ready to focus.
But when you stare at your to do list and goal sheet, you get overwhelmed. In other words, your head is spinning and you don’t know where to start first. Answer emails? Write content? What about the bills? Social Media posts? Every task seems to take top priority. Can you relate to this? Let me introduce you to my best friend: BATCH WORKING.
What is this concept? Batch working is pairing together tasks or responsibilities that are alike so you don’t have to constantly stop one task, work on something completely different and lose focus.
I listened to the “Breakthrough Brand Podcast” with Elizabeth McCravy and Kate Rosenow was a guest. Kate explained that when you aren't batch working, it's like you are taking off and landing constantly when you sit down to work. You go from your email inbox, to your content planning, to meeting with a client, to creating a course. But you don't allow yourself to work consistently on one thing.
This resonated with me. I started thinking about my days and how I was constantly “taking off and landing.” I never allowed myself to work on one thing for a period of time. So, I started to look at my work and figured out which tasks were alike and could be batched together. For example...
Mondays, I work on admin tasks, and create weekly and monthly content.
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, I focus on client calls, coaching, and other projects.
Friday, I work on group messaging, email marketing, and scheduling calls.
This truly worked for me and I found clarity in my work week. I was able to completely finish a task and easily transition to a similar one. Assign your tasks to different categories. Figure out the best flow.
Do you like to meet with clients the first of the week? Schedule your task on Monday and assign similar tasks. Perhaps, you like to write your emails and messages the first of the week. Add these responsibilities to your calendar with other related duties.
If you want to start your week focusing on all your content, make that your Monday priority. Batch working has changed my business for the better! I’m not jumping from one responsibility to the next. Instead, I’m more focused with the task at hand.
First, when you have a system in place that works for you, you’ll be prepared to tackle your daily tasks and responsibilities. Second, you won’t be overwhelmed by your to do list. Thirdly, and most importantly, you’ll follow your plan and have a successful work week!
Resources mentioned:
Breakthrough Brand Podcast with Elizabeth McCravy
3 Must Read Books For Business Owners. Click Here!
5 Reasons You Need Vision For Your Business. Read Here!
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