We’re halfway through the year, let’s do a check-in! I know that summer can be a little crazy and chaotic but that doesn’t mean you can’t focus on yourself or your health during this time of year. If you’re feeling a little discouraged, I am going to share 3 things you need to hear right now!
I hope after hearing these 3 things you can regain a little confidence, nourish your health, and overcome negative self-talk.
The first thing I want you to hear is that something is better than nothing!
I know we can all get caught up in the big things when it comes to our health. I heard recently if you asked anyone who is consistent in their health routines and describes themselves as a healthy person, they would say it’s boring, consistent habits that keep them on track.
What does that mean for you this summer? It means doing something is better than nothing. The all or nothing mindset does not work. You get stuck there leading to defeat and frustration.
If you have time for a 30 minute walk some morning instead of an hour – do it! Wouldn’t you rather go 30 minutes instead of 0? That is choosing something rather than nothing.
If you find yourself being caught up in the all or nothing mindset 1 month into summer I encourage you to trade it in! Trade it in for the something is better than nothing mindset. You will continue to move the needle forward in your goals, give yourself grace, and feel good about the decisions you are making.
The second thing you need to hear is stop making excuses for yourself.
It can be really easy to make excuses for why you aren’t doing something. Some common ones that I hear are… I don’t have time, I can’t wake up early to do a workout, I’m a picky eater! Here is the thing about all of those things… you make time for the things that are important to you! Bottom line! I know we are all busy.
Whether you work outside the home during the summer, run a business, or are a stay at home mom, you have to intentionally prioritize your health! It’s hard, but it can be done. Do what works for your schedule, it doesn’t have to be one way!
The last thing I want you to hear today is to reach out if you need accountability or someone to help you build simple habits in your health.
It is really hard to do your health journey by yourself. It just is! I have tried so many times and just wouldn’t stay consistent. It’s totally different when someone is checking in on you, encouraging you, helping you make changes when needed, and there to listen when you need them. Having accountability is going to up the chance that you stay consistent with the health habits you are trying to put into place.
Accountability can look like many different things but you have to ask yourself what is going to be most beneficial for you. It has been proven over and over again that people with accountability are more successful!
There you go! The 3 things you need to hear right now.
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