I love a good Monday! It’s a fresh start to the week.
I haven’t always loved Mondays. Honestly, I used to dread them. I used to think about all the things that I didn’t want to do, how busy the week was going to be, or when I would get any time for myself.
Because I have grown to love them so much, I want to share 4 steps with you to create a more positive Monday! These are going to be quick, simple things that you can do to start your week off on the right foot!
Take time Sunday night to think through your upcoming week!
This is something that Nathan and I started doing a few years ago. We connect before the week starts and chat through what we all have coming up that week. If you aren’t married, you can do this yourself too!
How does this help your Monday? You aren’t going into Monday having no clue what the week holds (having no clue, causes overwhelm).
Take time to express gratitude.
There really is SO much to be thankful for every single week. Even if you are walking through a difficult season, there are things we can express gratitude for. There are so many ways to do this.
I believe starting our week from a place of gratitude can do so much for us. It helps us take our eyes off ourselves and focus on the things around us that we are grateful for.
Stop viewing Monday’s to-do list as a “have to” but instead view it as a “get to!”
A small mindset shift like this can go a long way! The “I get to” mindset really helps us view the daily routines and things we get to do as a gift.
I’m not saying that we have to walk around with our heads in the clouds all the time and always be happy and smiley. I know some days are harder than others but if you took a step back and recognized the things that you get to do each day, I think you would say you are grateful for them.
Let’s ditch the “I have to” language and replace it with “I get to!”.
Give yourself time in the morning to do something for yourself.
This can be a number of different things. You just have to do what works for you. It will also most likely change depending on what season of life you are in and that’s okay too! The main thing is finding a routine that brings you joy in the mornings.
Let go of the expectation to show up perfectly each week.
This is a big one! Of course, we want to show up well in all areas of our lives. BUT we can’t expect to be perfect in everything. We have to embrace the imperfections!
Remember you don’t have to have your ducks in a row all the time. There are going to be weeks where our focus is more on one thing than the other and that’s okay. Striving for perfection is where we are going to fall short. When we fall short, we become defeated. So let’s eliminate that!
Embrace the imperfection and remind yourself that you can still show up well!
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