Comparison is something that most women struggle with today and It’s unfortunate. It can move us out of a place of contentment so fast and most times we might not even realize it. The amount of pressure on women today is huge and it’s easy to fall into comparison.
Why does this happen to women? The pressure to show up perfectly, have the perfect house, perfect kids, perfect husband and curated social media feed is insane.
Comparison can come in so many different ways and sometimes cause us to do things that we don’t really love because we feel we need to fit in.
I fell into comparison at a very young age, elementary and middle school. Wishing I had this or that, feeling jealousy because of what other children and their families were doing. I went to a school where lots of families had LOTS of money. They had nice homes, drove nice cars, and took regular vacations. That wasn’t something my family could do.
The funny thing about this is, I thought that if I just had that thing, or got to do that vacation that I would be happy. But really it has nothing to do with them or what they are doing. It has more to do with ourselves.
What are the impacts of comparison?
For me, this was a lot of feelings of discontentment. It would cause me to talk negatively about myself and not express gratitude for the things I did have! Even now when I find myself comparing, it has the same feelings.
Comparison is something that can be tricky to identify for most of us. Because everything seems so perfect on social media, with your friends, on TV, it can be tricky to identify that why you are feeling a certain way is due to comparison. For business owners, it can look like comparing someone’s success to yours. It’s important to remember that everyone’s journey looks different.
How can we avoid comparison in our lives?
The biggest thing is being selective on who you are following on social media. If you follow people that make you feel negative about yourself, you may want to unfollow them. This might not seem like that big of a deal, but it truly makes a difference.
How do we live confidently despite comparison in our life?
Whenever you feel yourself comparing, remind yourself that what you are thinking isn’t true. Acknowledge the thought and reframe it with a truth statement.
Comparison is hard and something that I think most women struggle with BUT we can take steps forward. While it may be part of your story, it doesn’t define you and it doesn’t have to keep you stuck.
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