Christmas is less than two weeks away. If we’re not careful, we can be consumed by the holiday stress. As we list all of our “to do’s,” we can get easily lost and overwhelmed.
Here are some practical steps to eliminate stress this holiday.
Don’t overcommit
Make sure that you do not overcommit during the Christmas season. You do not have to say YES to every idea and invitation. You and your family members do not have to attend every Zoom party. If you don’t have time to mail a Christmas card this year, send an ecard or just skip it entirely. As a family, decide what activities you want to participate in this year. What do members in your family want to do?
Gather together and make a bucket list of activities/events:
- Look at Christmas lights or having a family board game night
- Go sledding or ice skating
- Make a Gingerbread House or bake Christmas Cookies
- Attend a Christmas Eve Candlelight service (virtually or in person)
- Have Christmas dinner with extended family or stay at home
Whatever you choose to do, create memories with your family. Don’t look at it as crossing off a “to do” item from your Christmas event list.
Keep a regular schedule
Keep a regular schedule for you and your family. Go to bed at the same time. Wake up at the same time. Don’t skip nap times if they’re crucial for the little ones. Eat meals around the same time. Stay consistent with your normal routine if possible.
There will be days you can’t control. If you’re staying with extended family, meal times might look different. If it’s Christmas night or New Years Eve, and everyone is staying up past his or her bedtime, don’t worry. Plan on naps for everyone for the next day. But on the days where you are able to have some normalcy, keep a regular routine for your people.
Stick to a budget
If you created a budget on a specific amount for gifts, don’t go over that amount. Spend wisely. Do not feel like you have to overspend on gifts. Your budget is there as a reminder that you have a specific amount allotted for gifts.
People care more about spending time with you than how much money you spent on them. Be creative! If it interests you and isn’t overwhelming, make some homemade gifts: baked goods, ornaments, a potholder, stationary, or photo album. Put together a gift basket of flowers or a small plant, candles, a dishtowel, peppermint chocolates, and a mug. Purchase some cozy slippers or socks, a classic vinyl record, or a chunky sweater.
Don’t abandon your healthy habits.
During the holidays, make sure to take care of YOU. You’ve worked hard to be consistent in your health; so don’t abandon the healthy habits you’ve cultivated in your life. Maintain healthy habits but sprinkle everything with GRACE.
When you can, make time for exercise. There will be days where you can’t go for a run or lift weights. But if there’s an opportunity to go on a family walk, get everyone involved and continue to MOVE.
If you have access to whole foods, fill up on nutritious options. If you are visiting family, bring some staples with you. Try to get some good protein and stay away from the junk. But remember to give yourself grace.
This Christmas, make sure to breathe. Take time to rest. Enjoy your family. Eliminate unneeded stress and celebrate this beautiful Christmas season together.
Check out my FREE guide on 5 Ways To Start Your Day With A Positive Mindset.
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