It’s that time of year: paper hearts, homemade valentines, and pink and red everything. Some moms train for this day like it’s the Olympics. They scan Target’s Dollar Spot, peruse their nearest Hallmark store, and turn their kitchen into Valentines Day headquarters as they bake dozens of heart shaped cookies for the classroom.
If you’re an overwhelmed mom who just remembered that this holiday is around the corner, don’t lose heart. As a busy working mom, I’m a firm believer that we all need to play to our strengths. While there are moms who love to bake goodies from scratch, I’m an outdoor mom. I like to spend my time with my kids by going on a walk or playing at a local park.
In order to prepare for Valentines Day, I started to look up “creative” recipes on Pinterest. Before I was 20 browser tabs deep in searching for the right treat to bake, I realized…THIS ISN’T ME. Instead of trying to figure out a new recipe, I took a short road trip to the Disney World of grocery stores: TRADER JOE’S.
I added some tasty options to my shopping cart, knowing that these treats would make my kids’ day. If you’re concerned that your children will hate a treat from a box, don’t worry. Your kids won’t know the difference. They just want to spend time with you. And a little sugar never hurts either.
Here’s my mini Valentines Day Trader Joe’s Haul:
Trader Joe’s Almond Flour Chocolate Chip Cookie Baking Mix
This is a healthier twist on the Chocolate Chip Cookie! It is Gluten Free and Vegan.
Trader Joe’s Pinks & Whites
These morsels are Shortbread Cookies that have a yogurt coating with sprinkles on top! Aren’t they delightful? The design on the box is just too cute!
Trader Joe’s Movie Theater Popcorn + M&M’s
Who can resist a buttery treat? Popcorn paired with a package of M&M’s is the best combination. You need a little salt to go with the sweet.
By going to the store, I saved myself hours in the kitchen and walked away without my counter covered in flour and a sink full of dirty dishes. I was able to spend quality time with my family. Whatever you do to prepare for this holiday, remember that it’s all about having fun with the people you treasure in life. You don’t have to put on a big production to make it a special day. Buy a few special treats for the Valentines in your life. Make sure to pick up a little treat that you’ll enjoy too.
Wishing you and yours a Happy Valentines Day!
Healthy On-The-Go Snacks Your Kids Will Love. Click Here!
5 Ways To Help Kids Make Healthier Food Choices. Click Here!
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