We officially have made it to one year! This a huge accomplishment for me because one of my biggest goals this first year was to make it to one year. Because it’s been an entire year, I thought it would be fun to talk about what I have learned after one year of podcasting. Even if you don’t have a podcast, this will be an encouragement to you because we all start new things in different seasons.
The first lesson I have learned after one year of podcasting is it’s okay to try new things without having all the answers!
If you are anything like me, sometimes you want to know all the things before starting something. I would say that I’m not like this with every area of my life but when it comes to work or my business, I really do like to know every little thing before starting.
When starting my podcast, so much of it was new! I went through a podcasting coaching group with my amazing coach Wren Robbins and learned so much. This helped me to feel prepared on what equipment to use, pitching guests, finding music, and such but I couldn’t have all the answers to how I would feel or like doing this week after week.
There has been so much I have learned about podcasting but also myself in this year. That I can do something without having all the answers is a big one. As I’ve continued my journey, I keep learning new things about myself and this process. So if you are wanting to start something but don’t have all the answers, take the pressure off. Figure out the main things and just start. Take the first step and you’ll continue to learn as you go!
The second lesson I’ve learned after one year of podcasting is having confidence in yourself helps you do things you never thought you would do!
There is no way that I would have believed you if you told me I would have my own podcast 10 years ago. Not a chance. I was not confident in who I was or my strengths back then. I felt like I was floundering most of the time.
But looking back now, I wouldn’t change any of that. All these moments were preparing for me what was to come a few years down the road. It’s hard to see that in the moment but when you are removed from it, you can see it better.
I knew when I started this podcast that I wanted confidence to be a main topic of conversation because I believe when we are confident, we can just about do anything! When we are confident, we can instill confidence in other people! Having confidence has helped me step out and do my podcast! Because I’m confident that I can learn new things and do them well.
The last lesson that I have learned after one year of podcasting is perfection isn’t necessary.
This is a big one for me and why I talk about it so much. One thing that I learned in my coaching group before I launched the podcast and I have tried to remind myself is perfection isn’t required to do something well. It doesn’t have to be perfect to be impactful! It doesn’t have to be perfect to be successful!
As women, we can really try so hard to be perfect in all areas. When we are learning a new skill or trying something new, we want to be really good at it right away. That isn’t how it works and that’s okay! I say it to my clients all the time, consistency over time is more important than perfection. The consistency will win out!
If you are sitting on a dream or a skill that you want to learn, stop worrying about showing up perfectly in it and start showing up. Week after week. You will grow and learn more than you ever thought you could. I’m so thankful for all the imperfect moments over the last year. They have pushed me closer to my goal and reminded me that I don’t have to show up perfectly for something to have an impact on someone else!
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