We have heard all of our lives that words are powerful. The power of words is something that has impacted my life in both positive and negative ways. They have the ability to tear down or build up.
We have all been on the receiving end of words that we wish we didn’t hear and have all said something we wish we could take back. As I have gotten older and became a mom, I really began to see how much words impact us.
So why should we be intentional about the words we are choosing? Why is this even important and what does it mean for us?
I want to talk about 3 ways our words can have a positive impact on someone else.
The first way our words can have a positive impact on someone else is by affirming them in their strengths and giftings.
I have realized as an adult that it’s easy to think something about someone without ever really telling them how you feel. You see someone accomplish something or you see a friend being a great mom to their babies and you think wonderful things in your head but you never speak that out loud to that person.
When we affirm someone, we are essentially letting them know how valued they are. That we see them. Notice the hard work. See how great of a mom they are. Acknowledge the obstacles that they had to overcome to do what we are doing. And that affirmation can completely change one person’s day.
Look for ways to affirm your people. Don’t just think it in your head. Take time to speak it over them. It will have more of an impact than you know.
The second way words can have a positive impact on someone is they can inspire and encourage someone to take a bold step forward.
When you reflect on your life and all the things you have done that mean a lot to you, can you think of one person who encouraged or inspired you to take that step? I would guess yes. Some of the most meaningful decisions I have made in my life have happened because of someone’s encouragement or inspiration.
So many times it takes someone else’s belief in us to move the needle forward. This has happened personally in my life. When I think of my life and seasons where I boldly stepped into something, I borrowed other people’s belief in me. The way they inspired and encouraged me to do whatever I was doing helped me to keep going!
In what ways can you inspire or encourage someone with your words to take the next step in their life? This can be in any way – marriage, parenting, friendship, literally anything!
The last way words can have a positive impact on someone is by building confidence in them that they potentially didn’t have before.
When we are confident and feel confident about the things we are doing, we show up differently! We show up with a little more pep in our step. With a little more excitement and passion. Confidence pours into every area of our life.
How do we build confidence in someone? Recognize their strengths and tell them. It’s one thing to think someone about someone but it’s a whole other thing to call those strengths out in them. It’s so easy for us to focus on the things we don’t have or the things we need to improve on instead of recognizing the things we are doing well and showing up to do.
Building that confidence in them they can do hard things. They can make the changes they want to make. Helping them realize the positive changes they are making and how that is going to impact their families for years to come. That builds confidence in them!
Words are powerful friends! Be intentional about the things you are saying, the voice in someone’s life that makes them take that next bold step forward in something. Be the voice that encourages and inspires, the one that is building confidence in someone. I know that is what we all desire to do so let’s get out there and do it!
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