Insecurity is something we have all felt and hope we never feel again. The reality is, there are going to be moments where we don’t feel secure.
I know there have been moments in my life where insecurity has gotten the best of me. It has made me hide and not stand confidently in the person I know I was created to be.
I talk to women every day who are struggling with insecurity. They are stuck in the same thought patterns about themselves and feel like there is no way out.
As someone who coaches women in their health and mindset and believes that every woman deserves to feel confident, I wanted to share my top 3 tips for feeling more confident.
Tip #1: Dress in clothes that are comfortable, your size, and make you feel good!
You might be thinking, duh! But seriously the amount of women I talk to that don’t feel good in their own clothes is a lot. As someone who has had babies and gone through different sizes, I get it. There have been times when I’ve tried to squeeze into jeans or a top that is too small and spent the whole time feeling insecure.
One of the fastest ways to have a confidence boost is to feel good in the clothes you are wearing.
I know it can be hard to buy that bigger size in jeans BUT if those jeans slip right on when you are going out for date night, how good will that make you feel? When you feel good, you look good!
Choose clothes that feel good on your current body, not the body you are working towards in the future. It’s an instant confidence boost and you will feel and look amazing!
Tip #2: Be intentional with what content you are consuming.
This is a BIG one! Instagram and TikTok scrolling can immediately make us feel insecure. This can be related to so many topics, too. Faith, family, parenting, marriage, career, health, the list goes on and on.
There are things out there that are going to make you feel insecure if you are consuming them. Don’t do that!
If you need to unfollow or mute someone to feel better, do it! Being aware of how things make you feel is important whether on social media or real life relationships. Surround yourself with people who are going to encourage you!
At the end of the day, you have the choice on what you are choosing to consume so choose the things that are going to make you feel confident and encouraged.
Tip #3: Speak kindly to yourself.
The words we say matter. We are really quick to point out all the negative things about ourselves and look at the things we aren’t doing well instead of celebrating what we are doing well.
There will be moments where we don’t feel great or think we don’t look great but in those moments I want you to try and speak 1 positive thing about yourself. Start rewriting those thoughts in your mind and focus on some things you love about yourself.
I know this is hard. As women, we are the best at tearing ourselves down but if you don’t hear anything else today, I want you to know that you are seen and valued!
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