I am all about simple habits. The small consistent habits are the ones that lead you to the changes you want to see! Healthy habits make a huge difference in my life.
It’s not the huge decisions you make every once in a while but instead, the small habits you choose to do daily. With that being said, I want to share 5 habits that I do daily to make me feel good.
#1 – sunlight each morning
When I’m done with my workout or walk, I will stand in my driveway and look up at the sun for 5-10 minutes. I think we can all agree that we are just in a better mood when the sun is out and shining. I know I feel happier on a sunny day vs. a cloudy, rainy day!
This is an easy habit that you can incorporate into your day that doesn’t take any planning or thinking.
#2 – lighting weights
I used to be so intimidated by weights. When I finally began to understand the positive things lifting weights would do for my body and learn how to do it effectively, I was all in.
Lifting weights has a lot of benefits, some of them being, improved mobility and balance, stronger heart, increased bone density, decreased risk of injury, increased metabolism, better sleep, and helps balance blood sugar levels.
#3 – get 8-10k steps a day
I committed to doing this for the whole year. At almost 7 months in, I FEEL AMAZING! I’m here to tell you that I used to be one of those people who thought walking was dumb. I had the mindset that it wasn’t good exercise and let me tell you, that is so far from the truth.
Now that I have been walking consistently, I love it! It helps my stress levels and I have seen a difference in my overall body composition since walking more this year. Walking is an easy way to add more exercise and movement to your day.
The best part is you can do it with your family or friends! A little intentionality goes a long way!
#4 – drinking water before my coffee each morning
I love coffee and I look forward to mine every day but I started really focusing on drinking water first and it has made me feel good! For me, this isn’t super hard because I workout first thing in the morning. So naturally I’m drinking water during and after my workout. By the time I go make my coffee, I have probably drunk at least 30oz of water.
Get in the habit of waking up and drinking a glass of water! Staying hydrated is so important especially this time of year when it’s super hot! Pro tip – add some electrolytes in your water for extra hydration and to feel good with hotter temps.
#5 – eating at least 30g of protein for breakfast
I can tell a huge difference when I do get 30g of protein for breakfast and days that I don’t. I usually use breakfast to fuel and not really an experience. It helps me reach my goals and keeps me full!
For me, I will usually add 2 to 3 servings of egg whites to my eggs and then have a breakfast chicken sausage or bacon! I’m pretty basic with my breakfast meals.
If you were intentional about getting 30g of protein each morning for a week, I know you would tell me you feel better!
You don’t have to do these exact 5 things but I hope it inspires you to think about what things will make you feel good. A key is to make sure the things you are choosing are things that you can be consistent in. Because consistency is where real change will start to happen!
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