Pursuing consistent health is super important! It’s something that I’ve found and want to help women experience the same kind of freedom.
I wanted them to know that they don’t have to deprive themselves to feel good. That food was good and was meant to fuel us. That picking up weights wouldn’t make them bulky but actually help them reach their goals! And so my coaching journey started and here we are still encouraging women in this space.
When the world shut down in 2020, I did a healthcare group where the whole group was full of healthcare workers. My friend Mandi Fisher joined this round and I knew pretty quickly that she was going to be a rock star! She jumped right into all the strategies and ran with it. She told me “I’m never going to stop living this lifestyle.” And she hasn’t!
She is a wife, mom, and nurse! Busy, like most of us but intentional with her health and it shows! What she has to say about her experience is relatable and inspiring!
I asked her many questions starting with:
What was your mindset around health before the FASTer Way?
She said her first memories surrounding health were when her father had open-heart triple bypass surgery when she was only 5 years old. Everything changed at her horse including what her mom cooked and the long walks they started taking as a family. Her dad passed away 20 years later which definitely impacted her and made her want to take better care of herself.
As she got older she would go overboard on restricting and could never maintain a pattern of healthy eating until she joined the FASTer Way.
Next, I asked her:
What made you join the FASTer Way?
Being an ICU nurse, Mandi explains how unique and crazy it is on the inside, especially during the pandemic. She would see very critical patients. That increased with COVID and the toll became strong on her mentally, emotionally, and physically. Seeing these patients so sick and dying during the pandemic spurred her into taking better care of herself.
Then I asked her:
Has your family seen the benefits of the FASTer Way?
She said her family can definitely tell a difference! They love the recipes too which is great. Her children are able to see her focusing on her health. Mandi is hopeful that she is modeling some of that for them.
Finally, I asked her:
What has staying consistent over the last 4 years looked like?
Mandi said the main thing that helps her stay consistent is thinking about the future. Staying focused on what she wants her life to look like as she grows older has kept her on track. Things like riding bikes with grandkids or taking them on a hike.
Consistent health habits are possible! And that’s exactly what I want for you! A healthy lifestyle without deprivation and restriction or hours and hours in the gym.
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