Have you ever said, “If I just had a little more time in my day I could do so much!”? I know I have!
Life is busy! Between work, children, activities, housework, and cooking, the list is endless. Your day starts and before you know it it’s time to go to bed and then wake up and do it all over again.
What if I told you, you can redeem your time so you actually feel like you can do more?
This mind sound crazy to you because you feel like there is no time to redeem but I promise you it’s possible.
Time is precious and more than anything in the world, I want my time to be spent well. Whatever that looks like for you as a mother, wife, friend, or business owner.
How can we redeem our time?
The first place you can redeem your time is with meal planning/cooking. If you hate cooking, you are probably rolling your eyes and I totally get that. But listen, it takes MORE time to when you have no idea what you are cooking during the week.
But how!? Here are 3 tips for meal planning:
- Meal plan – write down the meals you want to eat this week
- Buy a rotisserie chicken – you can use this for multiple meals throughout the week
- Grill all your protein at once and serve with sides during the week
The second way you can redeem your time is by having a time before the week starts to go over schedules. This is essential in our household. Between work, the after-school activities for the kids, weekend plans, and travel, you definitely want to make sure you are on the same page with those in your house.
How does this help you redeem your time? If you do this, you aren’t running around with your head cut off during the week trying to figure out who is going to be where, what night you have things to do, or trying to squeeze a workout in.
My advice to you is to do this on Sunday night. Don’t wait until the last minute.
The third way you can redeem your time is by making car rides, walks, or conversations at the dinner table purposeful. This can actually help you create so many memories that you might have otherwise missed out on.
We sometimes get so busy that we rush through dinner and have preoccupied minds during car rides and walks. Don’t waste this time!
The fourth way to redeem your time is by having focused work hours. No matter where you work (from home or in an office), having focused work hours is important when it comes to redeeming your time.
It’s really easy to let your job bleed into your time with your family at home. Although we try not to let this happen, it often can and we don’t even realize it until we hear our children say something like “Why are you always working Mommy?”. And you realize, wow!
One thing I do to shift from ‘work time’ to ‘family time’ is by taking a walk. This is something I do every day after I’m finished working to help me clear my mind of all work things and into MOM.
The fifth way to redeem your time is by delegating and outsourcing tasks. The reality is, we can’t do it all. We like to think we can, but we just can’t.
But we don’t have to do it all! Once you’ve reviewed your weekly schedules with your family, look for areas where you can hand off certain tasks OR things you don’t like doing.
For instance, if you hate the dishes, maybe your husband does that and you do the laundry. Or, you have groceries delivered, or someone that comes and cleans your house every couple of weeks. All of these are great ways that you can delegate to help you redeem your time.
Time is precious and we all wish we had more of it but hopefully, these 5 things help you think about ways you can build time back into your days!
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