When we are younger, it doesn’t take much to motivate us. Well, it didn’t for me! Fast forward to now, and let’s just say motivation doesn’t always exist for me. The same things that motivated me when I was younger, having more sleep, and being only in charge of myself, don’t motivate me anymore.
In reality, it’s easy to become unmotivated in many areas of our lives. So what do we do when that happens? What do we do when motivation isn’t cutting it and we find ourselves just going through the motions every day?
I’m going to share 3 things that I would encourage you to do instead of waiting around for motivation.
Develop disciplines
Discipline is more reliable than motivation which comes and goes. Discipline is what you do even when you don’t feel like it. Doing things consistently over time has helped me develop disciplines in my life that I think are important. It doesn’t happen overnight but when you show up consistently even when you don’t want to they will!
The key – consistency over time. That consistency will grow into discipline and before you know it even on the days when you don’t have motivation, you will be out there taking steps towards your goals!
Lean into accountability and support.
It’s great to have goals but if nobody is keeping you accountable to those goals it’s easy to lose motivation and quit. No matter what area of your life these goals are in (health, time with the Lord, work, etc.), finding people who are in your corner and checking in is going to help you stay committed and disciplined.
How do you find that accountability? Think about people who are on the same journey as you. Ones that are willing, to be honest but also push you out of your comfort zone a little bit. Those are the people you want to reach out to for accountability.
Develop habits that work for you.
This one is so important. James Clear who wrote Atomic Habits said “Success is the product of daily habits, not once in a lifetime transformations”. And wow, isn’t that the truth! It really is the small habits that we choose each day that build on each other and give us the lasting disciplines that we desire.
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